My two little girls are obsessed with My Little Pony – and that is an understatement. We currently have 3 My Little Ponies from Build-A-Bear (we would have them all if I allowed it). I am constantly doing laundry because my daughter refuses to wear any of her undies besides her My Little Pony ones. I know all of the words to the theme song and all of their names and I can tell you their personality traits. Rainbow Dash is my favorite, my oldest’s favorite is Pinkie Pie, and my youngest’s favorite is Princess Twilight Sparkle. On more than one occasion, my husband and I have continued to watch the show after the girls have gone to bed, or the bathroom, or wherever. So you can imagine the excitement in the house when the My Little Pony Pop Playset: Pinkie Pie’s Sweet Shoppe showed up at our door.
Browsing: Kids
Toys, Crafts, and more – this category covers kids of all ages!
I was so so so fortunate this past month! I was selected by MommyParties, LeapFrog, and Clif Kids to host a #FitMadeFun day! For this, I was sent two LeapBands and a bunch of boxes of Clif Kids ZBar Protien bars! I knew immediately that all the cousins would be coming to my house for an amazing day on September 6th! I think I was more excited than they were! I was so ready to play games and have a blast!
Do you have an abundance of broken crayons? We did. And my girls avoid broken crayons like the plague! They are always bringing them up to me – my 19 month old saying “Uh oh! Trash!” and my 3 year saying “I cannot use this mommy. It needs to go in the trash.” Sometimes, they break them just for fun. *sigh* The joys of motherhood….
Kids Academy AppsI just wanted to take a minute and tell you guys about three…
Just a quick post about something I wanted to spread the word about! Do you want…
Are you trying to think of a cute way to store photos and daily activities to pass on to your children when they are older? I know some moms keep calendars and write something on each day, and some send emails to an account they have set up for their kids. Here is what I am doing for my girls.
Cool Gel N Cap #Review & #GiveawayI figured I could write this review of Cool…
This super easy DIY flower necklace will provide hours of summer fun for your kids! A great way to celebrate nature and the outdoors.
I am lucky enough that ThinkFun chose me to receive this game for free in order to review it! I was so excited when I found out because my 3 year old is really in to board games now. She would rather sit at the table and play games all day than spend time outside, or even watch TV! I am not exaggerating when I say we play board games for at least 3 solid hours every day in our house. We only own three games that are age appropriate for her so it has been the same thing over…and over…and over….this mama was very excited to be getting a new game to switch things up! And Robot Turtles did not disappoint!
My oldest daughter just turned 3 – THREE!! (Where does the time go?!?) Her favorite things right now are Tangled and Frozen. She watches them over and over. She even pointed out Rapunzel in Frozen at Elsa’s Coronation before I noticed her. To say she is obsessed is an understatement. So when I asked her what theme she wanted for her birthday party I was not one bit surprised when she told me Tangled. Below are some fun party ideas if you want to do a Tangled theme. We had a blast!