It is no secret that I am a huge gamer. One of my favorite ways to kill time is by popping in a good video game. My favorite game to spend hours on end playing is Disney Infinity. It is a great game to blow off steam to and just have fun with! There are two ways to play – play sets and the toy box. Play sets can be played with characters specific to them and they are like “normal” video games – you have a mission, you complete it, you (maybe) earn some kind of reward, game over. But the toy box, oh, the toy box, that is where your imagination can run wild! Throughout the play sets you can collect many things to use in your toy box. Here you can create your own world for any/all of your characters to play in (you can even use the 1.0 characters in a 2.0 toy box – and will be able to use both in the 3.0 toy boxes!!). Both of my daughters love the toy box. My 2.5 year old is a little young still, but she can find her way around a toy box that someone else has already built – no problem.
Browsing: Gaming
I am counting down the days until I head to LA to check out the Inside Out premiere. This movie is full of some hilarious actors/comedians like Bill Hadar and Amy Poehler. I have been looking forward to seeing this movie since I heard about it. So when I then heard that Inside Out was going to be a part of Disney Infinity 3.0 I was even more excited! We have both the original Disney Infinity and 2.0 and it is something that the entire family loves to play. My daughters even play with the figures when we are not using them for the game. I love collecting the power discs as well.
Today is the day! Avengers is open in theaters everywhere! I went to see it last night and all I can say is go see it! Do it the right way, spoil yourself, and see it in IMAX 3D – you will not be disappointed. I am hoping to go see it again while it is in theaters. Being a HUGE Marvel Geek this movie was everything that I wanted it to be, and more. I beg of you, go see it! Even if you are not that in to comics, you are sure to love this movie. It is packed with action, comedy – and it is a great story. It is an all star cast – every actor was the perfect choice to play their character. I cannot complain about one thing! Please, please, please, go see it!
I love to play games with my family. It is always so exciting when we can find a game that we can all play and understand – even my 2 year old. We found that with Spot It! from Blue Orange Games. Now we have played Spot It! before – we own the Doc McStuffins version (you can read that review here) and we love it. I was so happy to see a Disney Frozen version come out because we still watch that movie on repeat in our home. I know that mommy loves it just as much as my girls do. Spot It! is the perfect family game, especially when your family contains little ones.
Disclosure: Mama Smith’s Review Blog received this item in exchange for her honest review. All…
I am a huge geek and gamer, and if you don’t know that about me,…
My youngest daughter recently turned 2! We themed her party Doc McStuffins – we LOVE Disney around here – and came up with some cute ideas that I wanted to share. First thing was of course the cake. We took some of her toys and put them on top of the cake that my sister-in-law made for her. She always makes our cakes and does an amazing job! It was super delicious too. Check out how we made the fondant for her here.
I am an avid gamer. If I had it my way, I would still be able to spend hours in front of the TV on the couch playing XBOX or Playstation. And by hours I mean, like 10-12 hour binges – my dad used to call me a “vidiot” because of how much time I spent gaming. But alas, life happened and I have two beautiful little human beings I need to take care of. But, that doesn’t mean that I cannot find the time to play video games now and then.
I am lucky enough that ThinkFun chose me to receive this game for free in order to review it! I was so excited when I found out because my 3 year old is really in to board games now. She would rather sit at the table and play games all day than spend time outside, or even watch TV! I am not exaggerating when I say we play board games for at least 3 solid hours every day in our house. We only own three games that are age appropriate for her so it has been the same thing over…and over…and over….this mama was very excited to be getting a new game to switch things up! And Robot Turtles did not disappoint!