I took my whole family to see Teen Titans GO! To the Movies opening weekend. We laughed and genuinely had a good time. This is a fun movie that is good for the whole family. Everyone will have a good time. Yes, it is predictable, yes, there is potty humor, yes the ending might make you choke on your soda – but is an all around fun film that I recommend for the whole family.
Browsing: DC
San Diego Comic-Con is this weekend and I wanted to be there more than anything but it is Grandmother’s surprise 90th birthday party and that takes precedence. Boo. I will be trying my best to keep up with trailers (check out my YouTube channel for all the trailer reaction videos) and news. I will be sharing what I can here, as quickly as possible. So if you don’t want to miss any of my reaction videos, bookmark this page and come periodically.
The day is finally here! The one that comic book nerds like me wait for to arrive every year – FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! I always say support your local comic book shop. These are shops that we need in our communities, and I don’t want to see them start disappearing. So please, head out to your local shop, pick up some free comics, and grab some other awesome goodies as well. The employees and owners are spending their time and effort for you today, even spending $5 would be a big help – so don’t just be greedy!
The Smith family loves all things related to comic books. In case you have not already figured it out, all four of us are huge geeks! We live for that kind of thing. After a long day and the kids are finally in bed, one of our favorite things to do is binge watch a good show. Not too long ago, my husband and I discovered DC Legends of Tomorrow. We binge watched season one, and so we were thrilled to receive an advance copy of season 2! We started binging it right away – and were not at all disappointed!
As you probably know by now, I have two young girls. They are 4 and 6 years old right now and they are huge geeks, just like their mama! Because of this, they are big in to comic books and super heroes. One of their favorite shows and movies to watch is anything that has to do with the DC Super Hero Girls. I love this as well because it gives them great figures to look up to – and of course, I love anything comic book related as well. The DC Super Hero Girls are strong, independent women, so who better for them to place on a pedestal? The latest DVD release, LEGO DC Super Hero Girls: Brain Drain, hits stores on August 8th – and it is amazing!
We are big comic book fans in our house. I have been reading comics since I was a little girl and so I have started my daughters already a little bit. But more than read the comics, we watch a lot of DC Comics shows like Teen Titans and DC Super Hero Girls. DC Super Hero Girls has quickly become a favorite in our house – I personally love it because of the lessons it teaches my girls. They have learned to be themselves and care about others a lot through this show.
Bleacher Creatures are one of my all time favorite plush companies. I have tons of them on display on the couch in my office and I love each and every one of them. I always get comments from friends and family when they see them asking where they can get their own. From sports players, to political influencers, to geeky ones like Marvel and DC Comics – Bleacher Creatures has thought of everything! I have never had an issue with mine, they are always well made – and totally adorable! I was super excited to hear that Bleacher Creatures is introducing two new sets of Bleacher Creatures – Teen Titans Go set 2 and DC Super Hero Girls! Both these shows are favorites in our house – so you know I cannot wait to add these guys to my collection!
I am a huge comic book nerd – which you probably know if you come here regularly. I was really excited to get an advance copy of Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants because I was really intrigued by the trailer. It seemed like something that my girls and I would like to watch together – and I was right! They really like super heroes (and villains) so this was right up their alley. My girls are 3 and 5 and it was not scary for them at all, so I think this movie is good for all ages. Even if you don’t have the first two (but you should pick them up) you can quickly get caught up to what is going on. We have watched it a few times already, and it is quickly becoming a favorite in our home! If you (or your kids) are DC fans, this is for you!
I am a total comic book nerd, and that is something I am working hard to pass on to my young daughters. My favorite female comic book characters include Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, so I was thrilled to receive DC SuperHero Girls: Hero of the Year! The day this showed up on my doorstep, the girls and I opened it up and watched it. My 5 year old was super into it – and OK, so was I. What a great movie! It even held my 3 year old’s attention all the way through. It was funny, cute, and has a wonderful lesson it teaches. As soon as it ended, my oldest asked to watch it again. This is already a huge hit in our house and I recommend it for anyone with little girls. It will teach them that they can be a hero too!
Hey everyone! I went to see Suicide Squad opening weekend and did a quick video review for you. Warning, at about the 3:30 minute mark, the spoilers start. Let me know what you thought about this movie in the comments if you have seen it already.