A collection of the best Barbie movie quotes: hilarious, thought provoking, and highly entertaining, here are the best Barbie quotes from the 2023 movie.
Best Barbie Movie Quotes
As always, we try to keep these as spoiler free as possible by not attaching names to the quotes, but as you go further down the list, the more spoilery the list can become.
“Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. But the dolls were always and forever baby dolls, until…”
“Which can be fun… for a while, anyway. Ask your mother.”
“We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.”
“Barbie changed everything. And then she changed everything again.”
“Because Barbie can be anything, women can be anything.”
“I work hard so I deserve it.”
“She was discounted by Mattel because a pregnant doll was just too weird.”
“Humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever.”
“Barbie is all these women. And all these women are Barbie.”
“You’re very brave, Ken.”
“Yeah, because actually my job, it’s just Beach.”
“Surfing is not even my job. It is not lifeguard. Which is a common misconception.”
“Do you guys ever think about dying?”
“Every night is girls night.”
“It’s Barbie’s dreamhouse, not Ken’s dreamhouse.”
“I don’t have anything big planned. Just a giant blowout party with all the Barbies, and planned choreography, and a bespoke song. You should stop by.”
“If this got out, this could mean extremely weird things for our world.”
“Somebody get security.”
“Get that Barbie!”
“I’m no longer on tiptoes.”
“Are we going to get small, like doll size or are Barbies our size?”
“Yay Space!”
“Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.”
“It happens when you play too hard.”
Barbie movie quotes continued…
“Hurry up, the President is here.”
“I’m just dying to dance.”
“Well, looks like this beach was a little too much beach for you, Ken.”
“If I wasn’t severely injured, I would beach you off right now, Ken.”
“But you don’t even know how to beach yourself off. How are you going to beach both of us off? It doesn’t make sense. You can’t even beach yourself off! You’re going to beach both of us off!”
“Even Wednesdays.”
“I’m confused about that.”
“Come on, Kens. Nobody’s going to beach anyone off.”
“You have to see Weird Barbie.”
“Goodnight Barbies. I’m definitely not thinking about death any more.”
“Why didn’t Barbie tell me about Patriarchy?”
“You have to go to the real world. You can go back to your regular life, and forget any of this ever happened. Or you can know the truth about the universe.”
“I would never wear heels if my feet were shaped like this.”
“That’s cellulite.”
“The choice is now yours.”
“I do not have a vagina and he does not have a penis. We have no genitals.”
“Come into my weird house.”
“I can do the splits. I have a funky haircut. And I smell like basement.”
Barbie movie quotes continued…
“Can I talk to a doctor?”
“I need a clicky pen.”
“Men rule the world!”
“I hope nobody sees us, we have a life-size Barbie in our car. How did this even happen? How are you here? You’re like an idea!”
“No one rests until this doll is back in the box.”
“Blame Mattel. They made the rules.”
“Give us a smile, Blondie.”
“Everyone thinks I’m cool and I’m pretty.”
“Destroy Barbie.”
“This is the best day ever!”
“There are no multiples of Allan. He’s just Allan.”
“I thought I might stay over tonight.”
“Because we’re girlfriend and boyfriend.”
“To do what?”
“I’m actually not sure.”
“Everybody turn to the Barbie next to you and tell her how much you love her. Compliment her.”
“Okay ladies! Let’s do this!”
“It’s happened before. All of *NSYNC.”
“I feel so beautiful.”
“You’re gonna start getting sad, and mushy, and complicated.”
“We fixed everything so all women in the real world are happy.”
Barbie movie quotes continued…
“Buckle up, Babe. Barbieland is now Kenland.”
“Ideas live forever. Humans, not so much.”
“Maybe its time to discover who Ken is.”
“Ken isn’t something we’re worried about. Ever.”
“Get into the box and we’ll go back to Barbieland.”
“Men look at me like I’m an object, girls hate me.”
“I’m trained to stand confidently here.”
“Did you bring your roller blades?”
“I literally go nowhere without them.”
“Basically, everything that men do in your world, women do in ours.”
“Where do the Kens stay?”
“Women hate women. And men hate women. It’s the only thing we all agree on.”
“I thought we discontinued her.”
“Either you’re brainwashed, or you’re ugly and weird. There is no in between.”
“I bet they all hug you and say thank you.”
“Everyone hates women. Men hate women and women hate women. It’s the one thing we can agree on.”
“I’m bummed. You’re a bummer.”
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I know it.”
“I’m just a boring mom, with a boring job and a daughter who hates me.”
“I’m not pretty anymore.”
“I’m not good enough for anything.”
“I’m Ken’s friend. All his clothes fit me.”
“It is literally impossible to be a woman.”
Barbie movie quotes continued…
“Don’t worry. You’re safe here.”
“Any power you have should be masked under a giggle.”
“The real world’s not what I thought it was.”
“I can already feel my heels lifting.”
“Do you want pants?”
“What if he doesn’t like me anymore?”
“I’ll play guitar at you.”
“I’m here for little girls and their dreams in the least creepy way possible.”
“The real world is not perfect, but you inspire me.”
“You have to figure out who you are without me.”
“It’s a repeat of Skipper in Key West.”
“Everyone really likes me, and thinks I’m cool and pretty.”
“We just hide it better now.”
“I just learned to cry. First I got one tear. Then I got a whole bunch.”
“I’m a man with no power, does that make me a woman?”
“Just pick a direction and run.”
“Mojo Dojo Casa House.”
“It’s like a spa day for my brain.”
“How’s that feel? It’s not fun, is it?”
“I was perfect before.”
“That’s life. It’s all change.
“That’s terrifying. I don’t want that.”
“Tell me your secret dream, child.”
“Nobody looks like Barbie, except, of course, Barbie.”
“Margot Robbie is the wrong person to cast if you want to make this point.”
“I want to be a part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that is made.”
“It’s like I’ve been in a dream where I was really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of the Justice League.”
“I’m just Ken.”
“I cry too. It’s actually kind of amazing.”
“I’m really sorry I took you for granted.”
“She just has a flattering top and she wants to get through the day feeling kind of okay.”
“That will make money.”
“Once I realized the patriarchy wasn’t about horses, I kind of lost interest.”
“I only exist within the warmth of your gaze.”
“I want to do the imagining, not be the idea.”
Enjoyed these Barbie movie quotes? Be sure to check out other quotes collections from your favorite movies and TV shows!
NEXT: Barbie Is A Candy Coated, Bubbly, Odyssey of Self Discovery
About Barbie
To live in Barbie Land is to be a perfect being in a perfect place. Unless you have a full-on existential crisis. Or you’re a Ken.
Barbie comes to theaters July 21st.
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Tessa Smith is a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-approved Film and TV Critic. She is also a Freelance Writer. Tessa has been in the Entertainment writing business for ten years and is a member of several Critics Associations including the Critics Choice Association and the Greater Western New York Film Critics Association.