If you thought rich people could only get up to crazy shenanigans at a White Lotus resort, you’re not ready for what Infinity Pool has in store.
If you’ve seen Brandon Cronenberg’s previous work, like the sci-fi thriller Possessor, you know he likes to push the envelope with genre, gore and scenes that will remain ingrained in your mind forever. “Infinity Pool” is no different. Long after the credits have rolled, you’ll have kaleidoscopic sequences buzzing in your head that involve Mia Goth’s Gabi delightfully eating chicken and drinking wine while she’s taunting Alexander Skarsgård’s James to walk in front of a vehicle. Or perhaps a full-frontal shot of James relieving himself after Gabi pleasures him.
Any way you look at it, this is one movie that will not get out of your head anytime soon. And while its story could use more development, its look at just how far money can push some people is engaging to watch.
James and his wife Em (Cleopatra Coleman) are on vacation in the fictional state of Li Tolqa to help jump-start his writer’s block, but their days are typically spent with animosity toward each other or just plain avoidance. One day, commercial actress Gabi introduces herself to James as a big fan of his last novel, and she and her husband Al (Jalil Lespert) begin spending time with the couple.
Em isn’t thrilled by it all, but James finally seems perky now that someone has taken interest in him. When the four plan a secret trip outside the resort – tourists are discouraged from leaving the area due to safety concerns – Gabi gets a little too personal with James, as mentioned previously, and Cronenberg shows it all in full graphic detail.
The trip home ends up being less than smooth when James accidentally hits and kills a man on the road. They all decide the best thing to do is leave the man there and drive off, but police come for James and Em the following morning.
Knowing what we know about Li Tolqa – the penalty for his crime is to be killed by the dead man’s eldest son – things don’t look so good for them. But there’s a unique system in place where, for a hefty price, they can clone James and have his double executed.
The cloning process is the first of many times where colors and sounds overwhelm all the senses and fill up the screen. It’s impressively edited together, but don’t say we didn’t warn you if you easily get headaches. As Jame sits and watches his clone suffer for his crimes, it ignites something in him. Sure enough, his pals Gabi and Al, along with some of their friends, have gone through the experience as well, and find no remorse for their actions.
In fact, they love it so much that they have a reunion each year to keep doing even more twisted crimes. As we get into the heart of the film, Skarsgård and Goth fully give themselves over to their roles. The actor, who is known for giving himself over to his roles like in The Northman, descends more and more into the madness that this group encourages and we see him act like never before. Goth, who has proven to be the new queen of horror with X and Pearl, is such a joy to watch as the ringleader who pushes James to his breaking point.
But all fun things must come to an end, and James soon realizes that these people are not good company to keep. Whether it’s watching countless executions or being tricked into beating people who turn out to be his double, James feels like his grip on reality is slipping, but Gabi and the others are not eager to let go of the fun.
Goth continues to fully let herself go and delivers in every way. Taunting James on the hood of the car is one iconic moment, while in another she calls out his name with pure joy while threatening him with a gun.
Aside from showing these rich people go crazy, Infinity Pool doesn’t have much else to offer with its writing. It’s a bit disappointing, but its technical achievements, particularly cinematographer Karim Hussain’s colorful and hypnotic imagery, really elevate the action. But if you’re just looking for a fun, crazy time with people who should have their bank accounts frozen, this is the psychological horror trip for you.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
NEXT: Magazine Dreams Movie Review
About Infinity Pool
James and Em Foster take off to an all-inclusive beach getaway in the fictional state of Li Tolqa to help jump-start his writer’s block. Their lazy days are spent relegated to their pricey resort, isolated from the surrounding land. Gabby introduces herself and her partner, Al, as she’s a fan of James’ last novel, and they would like to spend some time together with the Fosters.
The couples plan a secret daytrip outside the compound that ends in a fatal accident with James to blame. For a hefty price, there are loopholes to aid foreign travelers convicted of crimes there, which is how James is first introduced to a perverse subculture of hedonistic tourism.
Infinity Pool played at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival and is in theaters now.
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