PIG is an action packed adventure of a film — that shows a whole new side to Nicolas Cage that will have fans of his thrilled.
The trailer for PIG does not let audiences prepare for the amazing adventure they are going to be taking with Nicolas Cage (Rob) and Alex Wolff (Amir). What starts off as a story about a man trying to track down his stolen truffle pig becomes so much more than that. PIG is filled with a lot more heart than was ever expected going into it. Nicolas Cage, who is a fantastic action star, takes on a role unlike any other, and audiences are sure to be captivated by this story that is about so much more than the love he has for his pet pig.
When a couple of rival truffle hunters break into Rob’s secluded cabin and steal his truffle hunting pig, he decides to do whatever it takes to get her back. Amir, the man he sells his truffles to, is the first name that he can think of to help. The two end up going on a crazy and unexpected journey that forced Rob to confront his past — and expose his true self to Amir.
What Works With Pig
PIG is one of those movies that will take audiences by complete surprise when it gets to the middle. Where it is expected to zig, it zags, and boy oh boy does that work. The movie goes in a direction so off course, that is is doubtful any viewer would have predicted it. From that moment on, PIG just gets better and better.
Sure, from the beginning it is was a captivating, action packed, adventure, but once the twist occurs, it just goes to the next level. This is largely in part due to the chemistry between the two leads — Nicolas Cage and Alex Wolff. The two of them play off each other so well, and their characters get to know each other, really know each other, because of this journey they go on together.
What Doesn’t Work With Pig
Very little doesn’t work with this movie. After the opening action, it does drag a little bit as the twist approaches, which in turn throws of the pacing. However, that is a very minor issue and does not last very long. Even though it feels like a predictable film, that change of course is sure to put any of that aside, and make it a very pleasant surprise of a movie.
Overall Thoughts
PIG is a film that is completely unexpected, in the best way possible. What starts off as an epic, action packed adventure featuring Nic Cage doing what he does best, ends up as a deep story filled with heart, where viewers will see Nic like never before. Have tissues handy because this movie has the potential to cut you to your soul.
Nicolas Cage at his very best. Pig is a film that is beautiful, heartfelt, and unafraid to really dive deep into emotions. WOW.
About Pig
A truffle hunter who lives alone in the Oregonian wilderness must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped.
Written and Directed by: Michael Sarnoski
Starring: Nicolas Cage and Alex Wolff
NEON will release PIG in theaters July 16th, 2021.
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Tessa Smith is a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-approved Film and TV Critic. She is also a Freelance Writer. Tessa has been in the Entertainment writing business for ten years and is a member of several Critics Associations including the Critics Choice Association and the Greater Western New York Film Critics Association.